Dr. Ben Meyers offers a complete soft tissue management system for companies striving to reduce worker’s compensation costs and recordable injury rates in the area of musculo-skeletal disorders, repetitive strain and sprain/strain injuries. He utilizes the highest level Active Release Technique® to work with private corporations, insurance carriers, and professional sports teams, to help the employee maintain a pain free status. ART is recognized by OSHA and the department of labor as a wellness, prevention, or first aid measure.

Corporations today are looking for innovative solutions to attract and retain quality team members. Partnering with Dr. Meyers as a wellness solution produces a positive work environment by offering the same benefits received by professional athletes and hundreds of Fortune 500 locations.

Some of the common conditions we successfully treat are back pain, carpal tunnel, foot pain, joint pain, lock jaw, migraines, numbness, tingling, repetitive stress, shoulder pain, sprains and strains. Session are 15 minutes or less, and highly effective. Most of the conditions listed above are resolved within seven or fewer sessions.